Conversation Between Dr.atkins and ex0duz

  1. ex0duz
    "I like talking with you"

    That's probably why :)

    It's fun to have some challenging discussion once in awhile, i'm not really a fan of talking about the subject either, unless it will increase my own knowledge on the subject, and it has done so(forced me to think about it more at least), or it helps others to see things my way. It's cool man, i don't get offended easily, especially not when talking about religion or morality, especially when you're simply asking questions on a forum
  2. Dr.atkins
    I take back everything I say. I don't know why I get into stupid fights like that. It was even a subject I hate talking about. I don't like myself when I fall into doing that.
  3. ex0duz
    haha thanks man. its nice to have a decent conversation once in awhile in the midst of 13 yr old kids and TLDR trolls.
  4. Dr.atkins
    I like talking with you
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