Conversation Between Sacred Reich and Beast[Skynet]

  1. Beast[Skynet]
  2. Sacred Reich
    I'm not sure what you mean by statistic (you're on dangerous ground btw) so I'm going to assume that you're talking about yourself.
  3. Beast[Skynet]
    im sure, soon you'll grow up and figure out how to be a productive person, not another statistic.
  4. Sacred Reich
    Lol saved by SexehSeaCow. You so lucky brah, a delicious DP was coming your way.
  5. Beast[Skynet]
    like you talking about things you don't know about? lul anyways you getting into a "altercation" with an admin doesn't surprise me.
  6. Sacred Reich
    You shouldn't talk about things you don't know about. Yeah I got banned, but it was only for about a month due to an altercation with the forum admin. I still participated in all of the weekend tournaments as I was one of the better players.

    I was a staple member of that forum until it closed down due to inactivity.
  7. Sacred Reich
    Yeah, we would avoid goats like you fouling up our beloved forums with anger motivated SC2 garbage! Why so angry bro? Don't you see the hate you are spreading to us poor peasants?
  8. Beast[Skynet]
    this is why we need forced sterilization, we would avoid so much!
  9. Sacred Reich
    Earth 2150, Ground Control, Unreal Tournament 99, Soldier of Fortune, Unreal Tournament 2004.

    What do you know about those games? Already did my PC gaming fan. You're just upset that noone gives a shit about SC2 anymore :D
  10. Beast[Skynet]
    no its just funny if you get banned again, we could use less console players here
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10