Conversation Between DeusEx_Red and Sleek

  1. DeusEx_Red
    considering my page is full of your comments i must say you care a lot.
  2. Sleek
    and at the end of the day you're still just a hacker that nobody cares about
  3. DeusEx_Red
    im like 6-0 vs him not counting the dozens of games he left at the start.
  4. Sleek
    you beat kodo like once and you're a hacking scumbag lol sad
  5. DeusEx_Red
    even if we played no mh vs no mh on a host that benefits him i would still give him the most one sided beat down you've ever seen you east shitkids are all the same
  6. Sleek
    hi hacker kodo > u
  7. Sleek
    wat are you saying
  8. DeusEx_Red
    >Age: 69

    Are you secretly kodos' grand mother?
  9. Sleek
    just some tomato soup
  10. DeusEx_Red
    whats cookin good lookin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10