Conversation Between Come2MeCaroline and elppin

  1. elppin
    hahah :D I don't know why my english sounds so messed up really, I'm good at writing though. :) Although it sort of works like a charm to my videos. :D
  2. Come2MeCaroline
    Heh, I know quite a few Swedes. But most of them talk this really fancy Queens English, one of them even studies to be an English teacher. I guess you're from an earlier generation then :)
  3. elppin
    Hey bro, I'm from Sweden, and I talk english seriously in my videos, funny that everyone likes my accent. =)

    Thanks for liking my vids, keep it real!
  4. Come2MeCaroline
    Where the hell are you from? :)

    If that's a real accent I must find out where it comes from.
    Great job on your movies.
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