Conversation Between Dredrick and vhapter

  1. vhapter
    Heyyyyy D! I played like 2 really good games today. They're sort of standard... but not too standard in terms of unit mix and a few other things... I don't know, you have to see it. I also pulled off a gosu SH save in the game. Msg me on msn so I can send it to you, I'll be on for the entire day.
  2. Dredrick
    Playing bad games and work.
  3. vhapter
    wow you're still alive! a recent thread :D

    damn, wish you still played wc3, it would be fun to talk to each other about our games
    so what have you been up to?
  4. Dredrick
    I wasn't sure if the patch was serous or a joke at first... I mean they really threw their "small steps when patching" strategy out the window, and waited a damn long time to do it...
  5. vhapter
    almost there! did you read about the new patch btw? lol can't believe they actually released a new patch, even though I think it may actually do more harm than good tbh... I don't know, I guess we have to see how some changes will affect the game and the strategies that are popular now
  6. Dredrick
    Your about to hit >9k yourself
  7. vhapter
    OMG D... the visits on your page are over 9000!!!
  8. Dredrick
    Do it for both our sake! Make sure you send me all your replays of owning Ices!
  9. vhapter
    Oh, forgot to mention that I think I can finally see the light (of improvement) now! I'm getting a lot more thoughtful about the game. I can see my future self! And I really like what I see after a month of practice, even more after 2! The future is mine! ^^
  10. vhapter
    You mean working offshore? lawl imba
    Dredrick, the fishhunter! :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10