Conversation Between Kintoki and ex0duz

  1. Kintoki
    17, damnit, 17! I've told you so many times q.q
  2. ex0duz
    I'm not that interested in what you look like to give out my FB to you and WCR.

    Yeah, i'm a full on nerd these days(i've always been nerdy though) but i'm sure i was pretty different than you when i was your age(your what, 19?)
  3. Kintoki
    I, uh, what? lol.
    Ask crowjam since he has me added there.

    I do love to troll you because you desperately try to keep your internet image as flawless and badass as possible all the time when you're really not anything else than what I am; another nerd on the internet.

    You're not hot shot brah, you don't have to worry about a secret evil plot to ruin your life via facebook
  4. ex0duz
    It's got a pic of a bird, i ain't adding that shit. Not stupid enough to give out my FB acc on WCR.

    You are one of a million people who like to troll me or who have my quotes in their sig. I wouldn't survive if i took things seriously
  5. Kintoki
    sandro olofsson at facebook for sexy nudes of me.

    feel free to add me too breh, remember not to take my trolling srsly<3
  6. ex0duz
    You let me know when your man enough to accept MY terms. And i'll own you, you 1800 noob who lost to a 1200 and 1300. I want to see your famous 'englund gambit' against me. lol

    I just msg'd you on, but you just logged off. Anyway, this conversation/challenge is over unless you accept my demands. I have no interest whatsoever in your demands. They benefit me in no perceivable way.

    You also talk too much. More action more play less talk. I don't care about you beating me or not. I just want to play, and see for myself just how good you are. However, you on the other hand seem more interested in your reputation and making a drama show/scene and of course getting credit for beating me if you can. The credit/bragging rights you get for beating me and the 'blow to my chess rep' is enough of a prize for you. In fact, it's more than you guys deserve. Which is why i'm not going to accept Kumars ridiculous 250 word limit demand.
  7. Kintoki
    Lemme know when you man up enough to play me. Just accept the wager and I'll own you, 1600 noob.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7