Conversation Between Kintoki and GodPigeon

  1. Kintoki
    You're a godpigeon. It's impossible to not love you.
  2. GodPigeon
    No you don't, you just love what I stand for. What did we discuss? No more loving.
  3. Kintoki
    i love you
  4. Kintoki
  5. Kintoki
    I was 110 in europe at one point (H)
    I've beaten nightend!
    I'm a god!

    SO. I'm better than you at sc2 and thus my opinion is worth more and I say that sc2 sucks balls.

    <3 love u<3 already missing your reply bby<3
  6. GodPigeon
    Maybe we should set some ground rules. No loving, caressing, kissing or wooing. Just namecalling you asshat.

    Btw, sc2 rules.
  7. Kintoki
    because I love you
  8. GodPigeon
    I must say, this conversation is heading a little bit in the wrong direction. I will never date someone with a hairy ass.

    Why quit sc2? It's a cool game.
  9. Kintoki
    I was banned for about 3-4 months, didnt come back to wcr once I was done because the ''advice'' on the sc2 forums did nothing but cripple my play.

    once I disconnected myself from this community I got pretty damn good c;.

    HOWEVER, I quit sc2 long time ago and thus I dont have to worry about wcr corrupting me. And I missed you, most of all, my love<3.
  10. GodPigeon
    Yeah, I saw your posting again and was wondering if I just missed your return. I thought you were permabanned. Which asshole without a brain let you come back?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10