Conversation Between jUsTaNoTheRoNe and Jack_Johnson

  1. Jack_Johnson
    Law school sucks but I love love love love LOVE my internship with the county prosecutor's office. With my student practitioner license I am able to do almost everything a regular attorney can do as long as I have a supervising attorney, it's pretty cool.
  2. Jack_Johnson
    Law school is complicated but I'll give you a good post in a few days on it.
  3. jUsTaNoTheRoNe
    How's law school going bro?
  4. jUsTaNoTheRoNe
    The fact still stands. Wcr still hates social conservatives.
  5. Jack_Johnson
    Bro I could care less about my "reception" here, and I stopped reading at that line.
  6. jUsTaNoTheRoNe
    Just so you know, your warmer reception here is only because you dropped your social conservative line and mostly focus on fiscal issues. You talked a lot more about social issues on your previous account. If you were to start over with a social line you would be ostrasized pretty quickly. Also it seems to me that more US users are willing to write tl; dr's now, the majority used to be a lot more silent/used one-liners. I am willing to admit it's possible that many wcr users came to the wrong conclusion of fiscal conservationism b/c of Obama presidency, but it would be really hard to track since many are ban dodging.
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