Conversation Between TaysChreNN and <3Chicas

  1. <3Chicas
    Cool, Im glad you won it. Hopefully the game gets updated.
  2. TaysChreNN
    Well, I'm enjoying Shogun 2, typical of the Total War series it will need perhaps a year and a half of patching before it can be called a "polished" release. They really need to do beta-testing and quality control before they rush-release their games :\

    Just an update to let you know your donation didn't go to waste.
  3. TaysChreNN
    posh way of saying cheers
  4. <3Chicas
    what does that mean? :) chars?
  5. TaysChreNN
    chars for the cd key brah
  6. TaysChreNN
    I'm stalking your "Current Activity"
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