Conversation Between BlueRush and strOut

  1. strOut
    I'm in channel wcr on North right now. I'll be ready to play in a minute.
  2. BlueRush
    Hey strout wanna AT? I'm on Northrend if you want to.
  3. BlueRush
  4. BlueRush
    Strout do you wanna AT with me and WPA?
  5. BlueRush
    Ok, I'll make a thread.
  6. strOut
    Like 1.5 hours.
  7. BlueRush
    Ok. How long have you got, cause we can wait for WPA or I can try to find another host.
  8. strOut
    I can play a few games maybe.
  9. BlueRush
    Do you wanna AT or 6v6 today?
  10. strOut
    Nah, gonna be busy.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10