Conversation Between GummyBear and aime

  1. aime
    pls come back.
  2. aime
    :( my wittle gaweth
  3. aime
    but i did
  4. GummyBear
    get back on.
  5. aime
    POE has taken you over.
  6. aime
    WCR is like my bed time stories.
  7. GummyBear
    i see you, youre not asleep you liar!
  8. aime
    Yeah, I just read it. Shitty situation:(((
  9. aime
    oh :( well this is awkward.

    here, let's do it again...

    Bang. Bang.
  10. aime
    I just shot you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10