Conversation Between BetrayerOfLight and Ciel

  1. Ciel
    You won't see this but happy birthday!
  2. Ciel
    Happy birthday!
  3. BetrayerOfLight
    Hey I was just wondering how you've been. You should be more on MSN! And yes, that does sound harsh coming from me ;)
  4. Ciel
    I wish to be your first wall poster of 2009! <3
  5. BetrayerOfLight
    If you could, yes please!
  6. Ciel
    Ahhh, I think posts disappear after a while. Would you like me to throw up the weekends ZOTAC stuff?
  7. BetrayerOfLight
    It wasn't me, it takes too long to load pages for me to have time for that kind of stuff.
  8. Ciel
    Haha, I was asking if you had. :P
  9. BetrayerOfLight
    Evil you! I am not a very sentimental person though!
  10. Ciel
    Lol, removed a post to get it back down to 1337? :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10