Conversation Between CaptSC and <3Chicas

  1. CaptSC
    Brosiah I'm not sure what you mean.
  2. <3Chicas
    until your posting approves, at this rate....
  3. CaptSC
    Brosiah how much longer do u have to babysit me.
  4. <3Chicas
    If you report a message a day it will go a long way, trust me.
  5. CaptSC
    Breh reporting them would be a full-time job.
  6. <3Chicas
    Then report them. All reported posts has a mod look over them.
  7. CaptSC
    My dear Chicas, you know what I find more annoying?

    Seeing 100+ posts that are 100 times more trolling and off-topic than my occasional one every day made by many, many others.
  8. <3Chicas
    Cmon that stuff gets annoying, the thread was about computer chairs ....
  9. CaptSC
    So we're not allowed to post humorous/sarcastic political stuff?

    I'm afraid I am not understanding either:

    a. The "rules"
    b. That I am being held to a different standard than other posters.

    I know I see horrible shit posted all day and none of them are on moderated posts.
  10. <3Chicas
    "I bet you like arugula and listening to Reverand Wright sermons."

    Can you stop?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10