Conversation Between Gloop and fridginators

  1. Gloop
    fridge and america sitting in a tree...
  2. fridginators
    me not love you? what are you on about good sir.

    yeah do you want to dual something for ESL? I haven't STARTED casting for them... i just don't know where to go or what to do... help me plox?
  3. Gloop
    don't you love me any more? we should cast.
  4. fridginators
    God damnit you can't send me a PM like that and then not be online. Sigh. Can you please explain what it actually is (in a pm ofc)?
  5. fridginators
    gj :)
  6. Gloop
    I disguised myself under the alias of fridgingaytors aswell, so you were there in spirit :)
  7. fridginators
    Oh man rofl, I just found out you rickrolled Shark through Member AC.

    You fucking rock.
  8. Gloop
  9. fridginators
    Hi God. How's it going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9