Conversation Between Dr.atkins and LeavePlz

  1. LeavePlz
    haha for sure
  2. Dr.atkins
    deal. Well have a comp on it to lurk wcr.
  3. LeavePlz
    I'm not sure I have the desire to kill myself through law school...have hard enough time staying motivated in undergrad ^^

    we'll be garbage men together! pimp our truck out n shit sounds like a good plan to me
  4. Dr.atkins
    Shit's a B. I don't think I am smart enough to be a lawyer. Ill probably just end up being a garbage man. That seems like an honorable carrier
  5. LeavePlz
    nice...considering law myself in some form or another. but i'm in that fun boat of not really knowing what i plan on doing :(
  6. Dr.atkins
    its interesting. I am just at a point in my life where I don't know what I want to do and its too damn difficult to not dedicate my time.

    Very useful class If I want to do law. Professor is a magistrate. Have gone on tours of law library, visited closest jail, write write write write.
  7. LeavePlz
    sounds like a hell of an interesting class
  8. Dr.atkins
    American civil liberties. I don't like it.
  9. LeavePlz
    haha...i'm on fall break or i'd be in the same position as you

    pretty useless thread. what class is the midterm for?
  10. Dr.atkins
    I have a mid term in 4 hours. And I am on WCR arguing about something I couldn't care less about.
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