Conversation Between ArieS and Ciel

  1. ArieS
    thank you~ :]
  2. Ciel
    Happy birthday!
  3. ArieS
    *blush* thanks!
  4. Ciel
    Happy birthday!
  5. ArieS
    Big grats for getting a director position. You sure deserve that.
  6. ArieS
    Thanks <3 And for that thread :)
  7. Ciel
    Haha, I'm sure they have. ^_^

    Happy Birthday!
  8. ArieS
    :) I wanted to post several times but somehow resisted that urge. And it seems after those two months when I was inactive, a lot of stuff have changed.
  9. Ciel
    Last Activity: Today 05:38 PM
    Current Activity: Viewing User Profile Ciel

    ICUWatchingMe. :ninja:
  10. ArieS
    You're so full of energy :P Remind me of one person I liked a lot xD. I think you'll do very well at whatever you'll be going to do further in life with SO many ideas!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10