Conversation Between ArieS and SuBVerSa

  1. ArieS
    Aw, better luck next year then!
  2. SuBVerSa
    ah no i didnt i went straight in:)
  3. ArieS
    Some of my friends took a year off, after exams, to work or rest and decided to enroll next year to university. If that's what you are asking. ;P
  4. SuBVerSa
    what do you mean?
  5. ArieS
    I think it's definitely worth studying, even though first (or two) years aren't really much about real civil engineering. :) Did you choose drop your previous courses or were you taking 'vacation'? :D
  6. SuBVerSa
    not yet, next year hopefully:)
  7. ArieS
    Didn't know you're also a civ. engineer. :)
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