Conversation Between Gloop and NoBigThing

  1. NoBigThing
    Yeah man I'm just that popular.
    My Photobucket bandwith resets tomorrow ^^
  2. Gloop
    your sig broke
  3. NoBigThing
    Thanks bro, I appreciate that!
  4. Gloop
  5. Gloop
  6. NoBigThing
    I have no clue whatsoever crumpets are, but I'm assuming they're some sort of cookies to go by your tea?

    And I'm not that much into tea really, I'm more of a coffeeman. I do like Lipton Ice Tea though if that comforts you!

    Much hello's.
  7. Gloop
    I like crumpets and tea, you?
  8. Gloop
    Nope its all cushtie here, the sun is out and everything!
  9. NoBigThing
    Got nothing to complain about :)
    How about you?
  10. Gloop
    Yay 3 friends :D
    How is life going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10