Conversation Between Mr.Waffles and LeavePlz

  1. LeavePlz
    I'm not sending you a damn thing.
  2. Mr.Waffles
    i hope they take away your guns. btw send me some real bourbon
  3. LeavePlz
    Oh I See You Sneaky Bastard
  4. Mr.Waffles
    bro chillax. i be trolling. "Even if that were true it doesn't make me wrong"; i was quoting redpower for the sake of mockery :D
  5. LeavePlz
    we should make troll dictionary dudebrother
  6. Mr.Waffles
    i think he was being a double troll, pretending to be trolled, which is why i continued breh
  7. LeavePlz
    yeah brothermandudebroseph i think he were trollin you bakz
  8. Mr.Waffles
    lol breh, i honestly can't believe that the mighty bluedot fell for my trolling in the first place
  9. LeavePlz
    +another fetus for you
  10. LeavePlz
    +1 fetus for you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10