Dr.atkins Dr.atkins is offline
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  1. LeavePlz
    haha for sure
  2. LeavePlz
    I'm not sure I have the desire to kill myself through law school...have hard enough time staying motivated in undergrad ^^

    we'll be garbage men together! pimp our truck out n shit sounds like a good plan to me
  3. LeavePlz
    nice...considering law myself in some form or another. but i'm in that fun boat of not really knowing what i plan on doing :(
  4. LeavePlz
    sounds like a hell of an interesting class
  5. LeavePlz
    haha...i'm on fall break or i'd be in the same position as you

    pretty useless thread. what class is the midterm for?
  6. ex0duz
    "I like talking with you"

    That's probably why :)

    It's fun to have some challenging discussion once in awhile, i'm not really a fan of talking about the subject either, unless it will increase my own knowledge on the subject, and it has done so(forced me to think about it more at least), or it helps others to see things my way. It's cool man, i don't get offended easily, especially not when talking about religion or morality, especially when you're simply asking questions on a forum
  7. LeavePlz
    I suppose manslaughter or homicide? Whichever one fits the situation (I don't keep up with the differences between the two :D). This is a similar situation to a pregnant woman being killed and the prosecution taking two counts of manslaughter/homicide(?) or a pregnant woman's fetus being killed intentionally. Both situations deal with the intent of the mother.

    In the law there is a provision for protection of potential items and revenue, if you can reasonably show that the potential item or revenue would have become a complete item or real revenue had it not been interfered with. The value of the item for the purposes of the damages done is extrapolated based on what is a reasonable assumption for what its value might have been. The amount of revenue considered lost is based on reasonably expected earnings.

    So when you kill the fetus of a mother who was planning to carry it to term, you have literally destroyed their potential child. No, you did not kill an individual person as you and I, but the potential value of what you stole from that woman was equal to the value of a human, because if the mother does intend to have the child, chances are somewhat high nowadays that she will (depending on the stage of pregnancy). In theory, without the fetal homicide clause, the mother could sue you for the expected value of what you took from her, just as with anything else, be it potential story royalties or a potential car. But that just gets crazy because what is the value of a human being - a child, someone's offspring? You can't put a realistic price tag on that, so, instead, they do the next best thing...they say the expected value of a wanted fetus is a child, and you have taken that potential value away from the mother, which is equivalent to the a priori murder of their child. Thus, fetal homicide.

    Why is this different from "voluntary" abortion? The expected value of a wanted fetus is the value of a human child, because a wanted fetus could/will be a human being eventually. The expected value of an unwanted fetus is...nothing...because the fetus will not become a human being (under reasonable assumptions). Therefore, the abortion doctor that performs the procedure is not killing a human being...because the fetus doesn't have that potential from the moment the mother says "I want an abortion."
  8. Fitzy
    whats up
  9. CraZyKoKeNo
    oh, right

    dahnjin is incredibly confused. but that isn't altogether surprising
  10. LeavePlz
    that sounded odd...
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