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Thread: Actions Per Minute (APM)

  1. #61

    No. Nor does it matter since spamming rallypoints is hardly anything usefull. And concentration is not easely measured in a way that is relevant to Warcraft - I'd be interested in people proving me wrong on this one. Spamming rallypoints 'while doing a perfect/almost-perfect build order with gosu base positioning' is definitely not a true measure of concentration per se nor does it truly mean anything relevant to Warcraft.

  2. #62

    Shurdus... if your listening to your little brother crash the house, and trying to get him to stop while microing a very important battle are you going to be microing as well as if you were alone, with silence besides your war3 playing? No, you wouldnt be. And how is doing 4 things (deciding where to put that moonwell, placing your AoW, spamming, producing units) not measuring concentration? It also increases your concentration because at the very least you get used to your BO and can do other things in the process. Also, most players can not macro as they micro, that too is concentration. APM doesn't really measure concentration so that the results are tangible but at levels where your cause your APM to 600 in the first 30 seconds, then we know that you have some high concentration levels (assuming you still did everything else... build stuff @ the right time, producing units, scouting, etc). However, I don't think that *all* gosus (there are always those that do like the fame and flames that this sparks) spam so that they can check it in an APM calculator -- I know that when I spam it prepares my hand (note: hand, not hands. I only have 1 arm) for big battles, it stretches it like a baseball player stretching his arms before a game. It also gets my focus on the game, not on the worries of real life such as having to do laundry in an hour, or whether my little brother is causing enough noise to rouse the dead (gogo headphones hehe). Point is, if your mind is concentrated on warcraft, and spamming undoubtedly requires concentration to still be able to do everything else, you are less likely to forget something or to make a stupid error.

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